The old saying, “You’re only as good as the tools you use” has never been more important in today’s workplace. Since there are thousands of tools available, it becomes a challenge to the manager to pick the right tools to implement in the workplace to aid their employees and achieve the outcomes desired.
Now is the time to turn up the energy on your job search!
You Get Hired! Virtual Seminar is a proven success with job seekers. “It will assist you in becoming employed faster than anything else you do.”

Tool That Helps Churches And The Unemployed
A great resource to help the unemployed
And churches is the book entitled,
Plug Into The Job Seekers’ Ministry!
How Leaders Develop A Vital Ministry For
The Unemployed by Linda S. Leake


I had used a number of outside coaches in my various businesses, none of whom can match Linda’s experience in, knowledge of, or enthusiasm for the profit and growth-oriented company. Most recently, Linda worked with me to develop creative solutions to meeting the challenges my companies were facing in an unpredictable economy. Together we established a blueprint for growth and stability.
Melissa A.

For results in your career search, pay attention to execUchange. I was stuck in my career search, not getting the results I needed until I spent time with Linda doing some one-on-one coaching and resume enhancement. It has made a huge difference. I'm getting phone calls and am very close to an opportunity - maybe more than one. Do the work with her one- on-one.
Al S.

Linda has a gift and a talent for leading a diverse group of people down a path that ultimately leads to consensus, creates a cohesive team, and achieves a goal. I have brought her in to do this several times, and each time she gets fantastic results. She is a task master and keeps everyone on a military tight schedule, but she also injects fun and personal sharing, so that every participant feels valued and truly a part of the team and the process.
Cari N.